Ole Andersen CV

It all started in my childhood, where I at the age of 13 got involved in building electronic equipment for a hospital. I got the help from my teacher in physics Mr. Thomas Brinck in development of various instruments, and we got a business going. Later on during my high school years, we were fortunate to have access to a HP 1000 computer, where I learned to do a bit of programming. After finishing business school at CBS the interest for technology combined with my education led to a job at Hewlett Packard. HP was a great place to be. They spend plenty of resources on training and business was good. I became responsible for the partner program related to the HP 250 and HP 3000 computers designed for business applications. I soon advanced into a sales manager position and later branch office manager. In 1988 I joined Apple Computer Denmark as Director of Sales and later became the Country Manager. My experience from HP related to partner programs came into play, and I was heavily involved in channel development and the Apple Center concept in Denmark as well as on a European level. 1996 I took on the responsibility for the Nordic as well as the Benelux markets and became a member of the European Management Team.  At the time my area of responsibility accounted for 5% of the overall business of Apple. After 14 exciting years, with products ranging from the original Mac, Mac Classic, Mac SE, PowerBook, Mac LC, iMac, the Cube to MacBook and iPod as well as leaders like Sören Olsson, John Sculley, Michael Spindler, Gil Amilio and not to forget Steve Jobs, I left in 2002 to start my business angel career. I have founded and co-founded 5 companies, been involved in the development of 14 different companies, made 4 acquisitions, 4 listings, 10 exits, done business in 15 different countries, and worked with several hundred fantastic people. Since 2002 I have been a member of DanBan (Danish Business Angels), a membership, that has given me great colleagues, a lot of inspirations and knowledge. In 2014 I received the “Business Angel of the Year Award” instituted by the Danish Venture Capital Association.